The Light Art Exhibition Gallery is one of the multi-portal entrances to a rather wast web of Arts and Sciences, mostly based around the work of Gordana and Zorislav Shoyat, and their project cooperation with other scientists and artists. Presently there are five major other portals (entrances), specifically oriented towards philosophy, computer science and art.
Light Art by Gordana & Zorislav Shoyat
The Virtual Multimedia Centre is organised as a part of the exhibition "Seagull Calling Eagle - The HP 2000 Has Arrived: The First School Computers And Beginnings of Computer Education in Croatia" in the Croatian School Museum. In the Virtual MMC you can play games on a HP2000 computer (simulated) from the 1970-ies, or program on it in Basic, you can play a Multi-user Dangeon Game on a Sun 3/60 computer (real, serving you these pages) from 1986, or try the Croatian computer "Eagle" from early 1980-ies.
Virtual Multimedia Centre of the Croatian School Museum
The Library is a repository of written books and articles by Zorislav Shoyat alone, and in cooperation with others, as well as Audio and Video material on Zorislav Shoyat and Light Art by Gordana & Zorislav.
Trienale multimedije i intermedije
Dew Computing Knowledge Base. A repository of Abstracts, Articles and Links, and other material, regarding the area of Dew Computing and Rainbow Ecosystem.
Croatian Thoughtwell - Hrvatsko misliliste is a repository (mostly in
Croatian) of scientific work regarding etics, development, economics etc.
Computer Grids (Clusters of Clusters of Computers), but viewed in a completely different way. The Vision of the Grid Vision site is to promote scientific ideas through the creative use of Art. There you will find Artistic/Scientific and Documentary short films related to the area of Computer Sciencea lot of links on Grids, Scientific Visualisation and Programming Languages....
Scientific computing and visualisation (Virtue, PARF etc...):
The Time Server portal is specifically oriented towards the notion of Time (both computer-oriented and theoretical). A Time Server (as defined being in the '') is a computer which allows other computers, whoever they be, to ask for exact time. They are actually like big watches in towns, or like people who have a watch and answer very very often to the question: "Excuse me, could you tell me, please, how late it is?".
The First Croatian NTP Pool Time Server Portal
Citroen SM (1970-1975) and Activa 1988 prototype pages.
Trenutačno neodržavani ulaz na Hrvatskome.
Izložbe Svjetlostne Umjetnosti Gordane i Zorislava Šojata
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prosinca 1988.
These pages are served to you by a SUN 3/60 (Grgur) born on 23. December 1988.