The Citroen SM

Workshop Manuals

On this page I collected and archived the Citroen Workshop Manuals, Technical Notes and Parts List. All the files are from the Internet, and I wish to express my gratitude to people who did the scans!

The Workshop Manuals are in French, whereas the rest of the documentation has multiple languages.

Cirtoen SM Workshop Manual (Manuel de reparations):

581-1 Caracteristiques, reglages, controles

581-2 Deposes et poses

581-3 Remises en etat

581-4 Electricite - Climatisation - Carburation - Allumage

581-5 Carrosserie

Technical Data Handbook (multilingual):

589-7 Aide-memoire technique

Technical Notes and Information:

595 Notes techniques et notes d' informations

Parts List 1972-1975 (multilingual):

642-1 & 642-2 Parts List

Citroen SM Wiring Diagram:

Sheet - SM Wiring Layout

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