(Croatia), St. Rocco's Climb, on the festival "Art on Streets", during the
□ Pula (Croatia), Gortan's Bay, parallel to the concert "Party for the Team".
□ Pula (Croatia), Villa Magnolija, farewell exhibition in Pula.
Vukovar – "The
City of Light", October 3, 2003, as a gift of the artists to the city of
Vukovar (Croatia).
□ Zagreb (Croatia), Ruđer Bošković Institute, Exhibition "Light to Light", in honour of the opening of the optical and wireless campus network on the Ruđer Bošković Institute, October 23, 2003.
Zagreb (Croatia), Ruđer
Bošković Institute, Light Art exhibition during the "Ruđer Bošković
Institute Open Days", May 14, 2004.
Zagreb, 'Klovićevi
dvori' gallery, Light Art exhibition in the atrium on the occasion of
Zagreb Bank (Zagrebačka banka) promotion, May 18, 2004.
Lovishte on the peninsula
Peljeshac, Light Art exhibition in celebration of the "Lovishte days",
August 2004.
(Croatia), Zagreb Fair – Ambienta, "Exhibition of Creative Lighting",
October 15 - 19, 2003, invited exhibition as a public attraction.
(Croatia), Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Glypototheca, creative
lighting for the Christmas Party of the Croatian IT community, December 18,
(Croatia), Rock Club Praćka (The Sling), creative lighting of the Club
during the Demo Band Festival, January - March, 2004.
Artistic/scientific promotional film "Wise Choice" (in cooperation with Ivo
Kuzmanić, Amir Dubravić, Karolj Skala and the collaborators of
Zagreb, Great hall of
the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert House, Light scenography for the Awards
ceremony of the 16th World Festival of Animated films, June 19,
□ Gredice, The Gjalski Castle, June 27, 2004.
Zemun (Serbija and Montenegro), Home of Airforce, Magic Light Scenography
for the Fifth International Balkan Astrological Conference, March 11 - 13,
○ Artistic/Scientific promotional film "Magnet for the Young" (in cooperation with Ivo Kuzmanić, Karolj Skala and the collaborators of RBI/CIC), 2005.
Knin, Kninska Fortress, Light Art exhibition in honour of the "Victory
Day and the Day of Homeland Thanksgiving" and the state celebration of the 10th
aniversary of the "Storm" action, August 5, 2005.
Kashtel Stari, "The Summer of Light" - Light Art installations /
▽ Zagreb, "Izidor Krshnyavi" gallery, with Djurdjica Horvat: Light Art installation "I Give You a Kiss", 2006.
○ Scientific/Artistic documentary film "GridVision" (in cooperation with Ivo Kuzmanić and others), for the European FP6 projects EGEE-2 and SEE-GRID, 2006.
□ Zagreb, Great hall of the Journalists Home, Creative Lighting for the Herbalife Party, 2006.
Animated film "Tesla Continuum" in honour of the 150th birthday
of Nikola Tesla (in cooperation with Ivo Kuzmanich, Stiv Cinik, Veljko Kukulj,
Johann Sebastianom Bach, Karoly Skala, Goran Topich and others). Awarded on the
"Marie Curie Workshop" 2006.
▽ Badlichan, Light for the artistic/spiritual ritual play "Saturn the Magnificent" by Adrian Adriana Predrag Kezele (world premiere), October, 28, 2006.
▽ Sveti Krizh Zachretye, The Zachretye
Castle, New Year's Eve celebration 2006/2007.
Ljubljana (Slovenija), Fun Factory, Light Scenography for '8-hour ride'
of Valentino Kanzyani, January 20, 2007.
▽ Podsused, Zagreb, Sports Hall Sutinska Vrela, Light Scenography for the Croatian Darts Union awards ceremony, September 17, 2007.
▽ Badlichan, Light for the artistic/spiritual ritual play "Saturn the Magnificent" by Adrian Adriana Predrag Kezele (2nd performance), October 13, 2007.
▽ Split, Cellars of the Diocletian's Palace, with Mislav Katalinich: Exhibition "Drawing in Space", October 30 - November 9, 2007.
▽ Split, Aquarium on Bachvice, at the 35th Split Saloon, with Mislav Katalinich: Light Sculpture "Drawing in Space", November 13 - December 13, 2007.
▽ With Mislav Katalinich: Project - breadboard for the sculpture of Drazhen Petrovich in Shibenik, 2007.
▽ Zagreb, ULUPUH gallery, participation
on the exhibition "Form, Sound, Light, Movement... and Ceramics as a Concept",
with Djurdjica Horvat: "Kiss", December 13, 2007 - January 10, 2008.
▽ Zagreb, Matrix Croatica gallery, with Diana Nazor: Multimedia exhibition "Oasis", March 31 – April 14, 2008.
Light Animated Artistic/Spiritual film
▽ Puttaparthy (Andra Pradesh, India),
Light Art exhibition "for Shilu", August 2008.
▽ Split, Podrumi Dioklecijanove palače, s Mislavom Katalinićem: Izložba "Veliki Petak Pomirenja", 10. - 17. travnja 2009.
○ Svjetlostni umjetničko/duhovni film "Veliki Petak Pomirenja – Issa" (suautori: Jacopone Benedetti da Todi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Mislav Katalinić).
○ Svjetlostni umjetničko/duhovni film "Issa – Stabat Mater Dolorosa" (suautori: Jacopone Benedetti da Todi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Mislav Katalinić).
▽ Zagreb, Kula Lotrščak, u sklopu festivala "Cest is d'Best", izvedba kreativne rasvjete dizajna "Zagrebcode" Borisa Ljubičića, 4. - 8. lipnja 2009.
▽ Zagreb, Trg Bana Jelačića, u sklopu "1. Hrvatskoga festivala umjetničkih zastava", zastave "Vukovarski vodotoranj" i "Svemirska cesta", lipanj 2009.
▽ Zagreb, Kula Lotrščak, Koncerti "Svjetlo na Kuli" Kristine Bjelopavlović na svjetloviru, lipanj 2009.
◇ Film/snimak koncerta "Svjetlo na Kuli" Kristine Bjelopavlović na svjetloviru.
▽ Zagreb, Strossmayerovo šetalište, kreativna rasvjeta Strossmartrea, 1. - 30. lipnja 2009.
36th Split Saloon, "Thoughts about Sculpture", selection and
set-up by Toni Horvatich, artistic lighting of most of the exhibited work,
Diocletian's Cellars, Split, November 21 till December 6, 2009.
▽ Zagreb, Croatian Musical Institute, Light Scenography and Lightwell on the Concert of Orient Expresto & Guests, March 20, 2010.
Selected video
recordings of the Orient Expresto & Guests concert, Croatian Musical
Institute, March 20, 2010.
The Pyramid of Sun, the Film, in cooperation with Human Synergy Project.
Summer Solstice 2010.
Awakening, a
Film by Siniša Svetlosti Ponjević, based on the Awaking the Pyramid of
Sun in Visoko (BH) on the Summer Solstice 2010.
Herzegovina - The Land of
Light by Matej Meshtrovich. Played by Matej Meshtrovich, Lightwell by
Gordana & Zorislav Shoyat. Produced by Human Synergy Project.