Welcome to the

First Croatian NTP Pool Time Server

This is the web page of the 1st Croatian Time Server which is the member of the 'pool.ntp.org' global public time servers pool.
The page you, most probably, wanted to visit is the
NTP PoolOfficial NTP Pool site: "http://www.pool.ntp.org/".

Grgur's status First Croatian pool.ntp.org Server status *.irb.hr time servers status The statuses of Time Servers at irb.hr

An Expose on the Four Types of Time Profile of Time

The Time Server Portal, where you just landed, is one of the multi-portal entrances to a rather wast web of Arts and Sciences, mostly based around the work of Gordana and Zorislav Shoyat, and their project cooperation with other scientists and artists. Presently there are two major other portals (entrances), specifically oriented towards computer science and art.

Vukovar WatertowerLight Art Gallery The Light Art Gallery is a web gallery of light art. (How else would you say it?). It is very hard to describe, so, if you have time, please visit it. We hope you will not be dissapointed.

Grid Vision PortalGrid Vision Portal The Grid Vision site is a portal to the scientific world of modern days Computer Grids (Clusters of Clusters of Computers), but viewed in a completely different way. The Vision of the Grid Vision site is to promote scientific ideas through the creative use of Art. There you will find Artistic/Scientific and Documentary short films related to the area of Computer Science, a lot of links on Grids, Scientific Visualisation and Programming Languages...

Knin The Croatian Thoughtwell SignetThe Virtue Programming Language Virtue is an inherently parallel programming language with highly complex data structures and operations. It has an almost fully orthogonal approach towards data - any operation that has sense is (hopefully also in the implementation) usable. However, nonsensical operations (like e.g. a square root of a character) are strictly disallowed. The execution framework of Virtue is very forgiving, yet strict, in imposing the processing rules for different combinations of data structures and data types. Virtue is used in the VEPPAR Grid Service Library Applications Framework for scientific visualisations.

Thank you for picturing the time, Salvador Dali Salvador Dali 1939

Sun These pages, as well as the time, are served to you by a SUN 3/60 (Grgur) born on 23. December 1988.