The Citroen SM

On the following pages you will find the French text and some beautifull pictures off the Citroën SM from the original promotional material 1970.

A clock of warning: But, please do not worry. The SMs were produce from 1970 till 1975, and still are young and fresh as ever. So, let the clock tick and enjoy!

A word about the promotional material. Sorry that I did not translate it into English, but 1) it's original this way, and 2) I had no time until now. Other metters sometimes press hard!

Some more pictures of the Citroën SM.

A short production history of the Citroën SM.

Citroën SM workshop manuals, technical notes and spare parts in .pdf books. (Mostly in French, collected from the Internet.

So, that was all folks. Back to the Citroën Home Page .

Visit also the Light Art Exhibition Gallery Vukovar by night.